
Angelita Byrd

Angelita Byrd

National Champion & Founding Member



Golden Nugget: Never Give Up no matter how long the journey takes as the time is going to pass you by anyway!


To help lead others into financial freedom and travel the world over with my family and loved ones. Produce 10 new Directors by 1/2016, endless 3 and Free, Team Builder Leaders and Regional Leaders.


I started with our company to save money on travel. I was making a 6 figure income in Real Estate when a friend called and blessed me with this incredible opportunity. Now when people ask me what I do for a living, I simply tell them I lay on the beaches of the earth!


Aside from an acute determination to succeed, you MUST be consistent! You also have to be able to envision the company replacing your J.O.B.! Frequently associate with people who share your mission and ambition! Work your Team Builder Group and get Travel Parties scheduled!!

You have to understand that your team members will have different goals and will learn at different speeds. Understanding this means you won’t be WILLING to help, but never AVAILABLE. Nor will you be AVAILABLE to help, but not WILLING. They all go hand-in-hand in creating a quality team who feels like you have their best interests at heart. A team who feels that way will duplicate what you do which translates into success for all.