
CarolLee Miles-Love

CarolLee Miles-Love

National Champion

“Dream it! Speak it! Write it! Live it!” is a motto I live by every day of my life.  And every day I thank God for my CHOSEN career in travel, a journey that has taken me all over the world.  Additionally, as the Author of A CHOSEN CAREER IN CRUISE HOSTING, I’m thankful to be able to help other travel professionals worldwide.  It’s the heart of this company that makes me proud to be a National Champion.  My team is called CHOSEN in PEACE.

To ALL you Champions, Never EVER give up! I will forever be grateful for the opportunity to literally change people’s LIVES!

Personally, the Founders, the Directors, the Leaders, the Trainers, and the Mentors (as well as brand newbies!)  have given me far more than I ever felt I deserved.  To live on this earth DO WHAT YOU LOVE, and LOVE WHAT YOU DO!  Travel has given me more than textbooks ever could, but relationships with all of the above are absolutely priceless!!! I could never add a $$$ and cents figure.  Never EVER sell yourself short!  When you think you are at the end of your rope, reach HIGHER and grab TIGHT!  Remember when you reach the TOP of that mountain, there is always another one to climb!  THANK YOU Circle of Champions for all you have taught me!!  I’m blessed and grateful beyond belief!  Will I ever retire?  Why would I?  The tax benefits alone pay me royally; and the checks aren’t half bad either!