
Melinda Hunt

Melinda Hunt

National Champion

My name is Melinda Hunt, Regional Builder from Brooklyn , NY. I am a Registered Nurse for over 26 years, a wife and mother of one son.


My goal is to help as many people that are willing to allow me in to their lives and show them a better and more fulfilling life as I have found. I love the excitement that I hear in people’s voices when they take that leap of faith.

To be successful in this business, I believe that you have to be intentional on finding those that want to succeed , as much as you want them to. You then help them to become leaders, and repeat. Be honest on what to expect, be truthful on what it takes, and show that you care.


I am a wife, a mother of one son and a full time Registered Nurse. As a little girl, I had only dreamed of becoming a nurse. I accomplished that very early at the age of 19.

In September of 2014, I was introduced to something that totally changed my family’s and my life. My first thought was the tax benefits of becoming an Entrepreneur, and to earn some extra income to help my then college student,  graduate without student loans, and that I’d save money on travel.  Never could I have imagined  the growth in myself as a result of this amazing opportunity.



  1. Stay spiritually connected.
  2. Know  your business and product well.
  3. Don’t be afraid to step out if your comfort zone.
  4. Ask questions if you’re not sure.
  5. Be honest, consistent, and reliable.
  6. Talk to EVERYONE, and know that there will be more “no’s” than you’d like , but never give up because a “YES” is right around the corner.